Scheduling Home Page

  • There are some exciting changes in store for Riverside Junior-Senior High School for the 2023-2024 school year! 

    This page has all of the tools and information necessary to help our students get ready for next school year. Please take the time to review the content and information pertinent to your grade level.

    Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see all of the documents.


    Each student will still have an individualized scheduling experience. 

    All incoming 7th and 8th grade students will receive a schedule reflecting the state-mandated courses for each grade level. Their current teachers have made recommendations for next year's courses. These students do not have elective choices and therefore do not need to complete any further steps to create a schedule.

    All incoming 9th and 10th grade students will receive an appointment from Mrs. Mecca to discuss your career pathway and scheduling options. All core subject area classes are chosen for you by your current teacher; for example, your current 9th grade math teacher decides which 10th grade (2023-2024) math class you will be enrolled in. Mrs. Mecca will inform you of these courses and they will not be changed at this time. Please take the time over the next few days to think about your career goals and which class choices will lead to those goals. You can complete a scheduling worksheet form below in preparation for your individual meeting. 

    For current 10th and 11th grade students who will be entering 11th and 12th grade next year:
    Mrs. Getts has begun classroom visits to explain the scheduling process and give a detailed overview of the elective choices that best fit our students' career goals. Please be sure to maintain good attendance so you do not miss these classroom presentations.

    Here is a scheduling video to help refresh your memory from last year. ; Please note the beginning of the video explains how you can view the site in another language.  


    The school counselors will hold regular office hours. They will be available via email during the hours of 8am-3pm Monday-Friday. If you request a phone call from a counselor, please email a contact name, phone number, and purpose for the phone call. You should expect a return email within 24 hours.


    All contact information can be found on the "Meet the Counselors" link on the left.


    Thank You!


    Mr. Yarem, Mrs. Getts, Mrs. Mecca, Mrs. Orzel 


    Some of the new and exciting content you can find below includes the following:


    ♦  Programs of Study (course catalog)

    ♦  New Course Listing

    ♦  New Course Description guide

    ♦  9th - 12th Grade Elective Sheets

    ♦  9th - 12th Grade Course Selection Worksheets

    ♦  Dual Enrollment (new) courses and information

    ♦  9th & 10th Grade Honors requirements explained 

      ⇓ (scroll down to view documents) ⇓