Welcome to Mr. Lindsay's Math Webpage - Riverside Elementary East & West
Mr. Lindsay's Webpage
Welcome to Mr. Lindsay's Math I & E and R.U.N. Time website. I look forward to working with all of the students from both East & West each day! We will work on a variety of exciting math concepts related to their classroom learning and instruction. I enjoy working with our amazing students and cannot wait to see their math knowledge shine from quarter to quarter.
Mr. Lindsay----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Students & Parents,
Please see your child's Google Classroom for the most current information and assignments for the class.
For Parent Conferences each quarter, I will be using Sign Up Genius, which the Link will be located on your child's Google Classroom "Stream Page".
Please sign up using the Link for Sign Up Genius and then click the Join button on the Google Meet Stream page when it's your Conference Time.Thank you,
Mr. Ryan Lindsay
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _My Schedule
East - Math I & E (Days 1-6) morning
West - R.U.N. Time (Days 1-6) afternoon
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Go to My Favorite Web Sites - Have some Fun Learning!
***(These Websites and Math Games can be used for almost any grade Level)***
Practice and sharpen your skills on some of my favorite websites.
Try them and add the ones you like to your favorites!I look forward to a spectacular 2023-2024 school year.
Mr. Lindsay
Math I & E (3rd-6th) & R.U.N. Time (K-2)
Cyber School Coordinator (K-12)
Riverside Elementary East & West
570-562-2121 option 9 (East ext. 3376) & (West ext. 2232)