Homepage and General Information

  • Welcome to Ms Carlin's Kindergarten Class!


    Welcome to the class!


    Hello all! I am Ms Carlin and I am so excited to meet you all! This year we will all work together to learn our ABCs and our 123s! Throughout my site you will see information on the technology we use, communication, important dates, and more. Feel free to explore!


    Student logins are as follows:

    1. first 3 letters of last name
    2. first 3 letters of first name
    3. the number 34 for graduation year

    Example: jonhol34@riversidesd.com

    For passwords:

    1. Rsd
    2. student's six digit pin number (lunch number) 

    Example:  Rsd304521


    Google Classroom:

    Please follow the steps below in order to gain access to the Google Classroom.  Here you will find the activities, videos, and lessons for your child.  

    To login to the Classroom go to the following website: https://classroom.google.com/c/Njc2OTQ5MDIxMjMw

    Here is the class code: 7elczyf

    For help logging in, click this link: https://support.google.com/edu/classroom/answer/6072460?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en 


    **For conferences, they will be held by phone or on Google Meet. The link will be sent out before conferences.

    More information about conferences will always be sent out when it gets closer to that date. I will send out a link to the SignUp Genius to figure out what time works best for everyone.**


    Here's how to contact me:

    Email: kcarlin@riversidesd.com

    Remind: Use this code @kcarlin24. Use this link to join: https://www.remind.com/join/kcarlin24

    PBIS: A letter with a link to signup for PBIS will be sent home the first week of school.

    You can always leave a note in your child's folder for me as well!




    For updates from the school some extra resources are:

    • Following Riverside School District and Riverside Elementary West on Facebook
    • Signing up for the schoolwide Remind system linked on the Riverside homepage



    Also, if your child receives Title I, Speech, or ESL services, you can visit their webpages for activities as well.

    • Mrs. Chilleri- Title I Reading
    • Mrs. Brennan - Title I Reading
    • Ms.Kelley - Title I Reading
    • Mrs.Derenick- OT
    • Mrs. Jones- ESL