About Teacher
Phone: West: (570) 562-2121 ext: 2234 or East: (570)562-2121 ext: 3373
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Jones
Welcome to my page! My name is Mrs. Jones and I teach English as a Second Language, or ESL, in grades Kindergarten through six at Riverside East and West.
In the event of a Flex Day, students can login to my Google Classroom to complete their assignments. On a Flex Day, you can reach me between the hours of 11:00 am and 1:00 pm on Talking Points, Google Classroom, or at my email address: hjones@riversidesd.com
Thank you!
Mrs. Holley Jones
For Help, Support & Questions:
Email me at hjones@riversidesd.com
Send me a message on Talking Points:
1. Go to the app store on your phone.
2. Search and install the TalkingPoints for Parents app
3. Enter your phone number in the app. You will receive a code to enter next.
My code for new students OR parents with new phone numbers:
Did you know there is a Google Classroom app available through the App Store for Apple devices and Google Play for other devices? It makes navigating virtual classrooms easier and faster! Download the FREE app from the App Store or Google Play from the link below.
Zoom Permission Slip
A permission slip for your student to video chat with Miss O'Hora using Zoom.
Talking Points (for parent communication)
A free messaging app for parents and teachers that translates messages!