Ms. R's Welcome

  •  4th Grade 

      science words  


    Click on the links on the left for P-T Conference Info for First Quarter Conferences, joining Reminds, and other Important Info!

    Welcome to 4th Grade Science!

           This year, we will be using a combination of Google Classroom and Notebooks to further our learning in the realm of SCIENCE!   I'm so excited to be sharing the 4th grade curriculum with all of you because it is awesome!  To access Google Classroom, click here!  You will receive an invite to access my classroom if you are in 4th grade!  All YOU need to do is accept that invite and you're in!  Get ready for some super fun science this year!  

            I'm looking SUPER forward to meeting all of you!  I'll learn more about you when you get to school, but if you want to know a bit more about me, check out the "About Miss R" page on the left side of the screen!

           Also, several parents have asked what school supplies you need!  A pen or a pencil is perfect.  LOL  If you REALLY want to, you can bring a composition notebook with no spiral binding to put your name on for a science notebook, but we have plenty of them here!


           Info for accessing Google Classroom (where all activites will be updated daily).

                Click above to go to our google classroom for science or to just get to google classroom in general, go to OR just go to google and click the snowman dots in the upper-right corner and find classroom on your child's chromebook.  

                     Your child will need to click on our Science Class labeled "4 Science Rugletic 24-25."  They will not need to put in a class code as they will already be entered once the school year begins.  Once the schedules are completed, all your students will be entered!


    PLEASE SIGN UP FOR REMIND.  There are two separate REMIND classrooms to join on the left-hand navigation bar.  One will be for science class related things (found on the Science Page), the other ONLY if you are in my homeroom (found on the Homeroom News page).


    Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or issues if they arise--I am very approachable!  You can get in touch with me at my email address at, Google Classroom, or via REMIND.  I usually respond to emails within a few hours, and on Remind MUCH faster as it goes right to my cell.  If you use google classroom, posting on one of my posts will send me an email, but posting on the stream will not, so it is best to comment on one of MY posts or an assignment! You can also call the school at 570-562-2121, Ext 3371. 

       Please feel free to contact me at any time!


    Miss R   

    apollo me