Mrs. Posluszny's Class
Mrs. Posluszny
Welcome back to a brand new school year. I am so excited to meet all my wonderful students. Here are a few sugesstions:
~To log into the Google Classroom:
~To log in - visit the Riverside Website. Under the "For Students" tab, choose "Google for Education". Have your child login using their riverside login (first 3 letters of last name, first 3 letters of first name, graduation year (31) For example, Jane Doe would be Password is Rsd(lunch number/student ID number) no space. So Jane's password would be Rsd12345.
Once you are logged in there is only one class that will appear. It's titled Mrs. Posluszny's third Grade math. Please click join.
I have included some information for parents on how to access Google Classroom below.
Did you know there is a Google Classroom app available through the App Store for Apple devices and Google Play for other devices? It makes navigating virtual classrooms easier and faster! Download the FREE app from the App Store or Google Play from the link below.
Here is the google meet link for 3rd grade math 24/25 school year:
Here is my homeroom google classroom link:
PBIS Rewards :
You will need to download the app.
PBIS invitations are sent out from the school directly prior to the beginning of the year. Please check your SPAM to make sure you are signed up.
Your child can access many resources online through the CLEVER app.I will set this up the first week of school and the link will be pinned to the top of their web browser on their Chromebook.If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me via email ( or by calling the school.