Mrs. Miller's Home Page
Welcome to Mrs. Miller's Webpage!
Welcome to 6th grade! I hope you had an enjoyable and fun-filled summer. I am very excited about beginning a new school year. I look forward to meeting and getting to know each of you. I will do my best to keep my webpage updated with information you and your adult need to know. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me.
I can't wait to get to know you. Here is a little bit about me....This year, I will begin my 17th year teaching at Riverside. Math is my favorite subject, so I feel very fortunate that I get to teach the subject. I am married with two daughters, Kristie and Kelly, and a 5-year-old German Sheppard named Izzy.
Again, I look forward to taking this journey with you. I hope you have an amazing 6th grade school year!
Mrs. Miller
Attention Students: Once you receive your schedule, please log in to using your Riverside username and password. Click on the 9 square icon (waffle icon) in the upper right-hand corner of the Google web page to find Google Classroom. Find your MATH class and click "join".
Attention Parents: Once your child receives their schedule, please consider accepting my invitation for you to join your child's Google Classroom. It is here that you can follow our daily work, classroom assignments, homework, etc.
Back to School Night - TBA
The easiest way to reach me is by email:
Did you know there is a Google Classroom app available through the App Store for Apple devices and Google Play for other devices? It makes navigating virtual classrooms easier and faster! Download the FREE app from the App Store or Google Play from the link below.