Mrs. Sinkaus


    Welcome to Mrs. Sinkaus' 5th Grade Reading Class Website 


     2nd Quarter Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Thursday, January 30th from 2-7. It is either online in my Google Classroom or in-person, depending on what you choose. Please sign up using this Sign Up genius.

    **All important information is located in my Google Classroom

    Here is the link for my 2024-2025 Reading Class Google Classroom

    To attend my Google Meet for Parent-Teacher Conferences 2024-25

    Contact Information for 2024-2025

    *To join my Remind app and get any class notifications on your phone, please

    do the following (the message needed to join will be updated the first week of



    *For Homeroom (this will include any school announcements such as early

    dismissal, dress down days, papers to be turned in to office): text: 81010 with

     the message: @fb96a9


    *Periods 1/3 (this includes all homework and test dates)- Text 81010 with the



    *Periods 5/6 (this includes all homework and test dates)- Text 81010 with the

     message: @2425mrssin


    *Periods 7/8 (this includes all homework and test dates)- Text 81010 with the

     message: @3kdcfb6


    To notify me by email:




    Uniform Policy


    Students are required to wear the usual khaki or navy blue shorts or pants. Any Riverside spiritwear or Riverside

    uniform shirts are acceptable. Hoodies ARE permitted this year. 



    Water Bottles


    Students should bring a water bottle, as there is a refillable water station located in our hallway. A big issue that

    has developed is students not bringing a water bottle and asking teachers or the nurse for a cup. Please make

    sure they have a labeled water bottle to prevent this issue!


    School Supplies


    • whiteboard, 4 dry erase Expo markers
    • white board eraser (can be a sock, piece of felt, or a small piece of material)
    • pack of Ticonderoga pencils (these are the only brand that works) or mechanical pencils
    • highlighters (preferably at least 2 different colors. When completing TDA writing we use: pink, yellow, orange, green, and blue)
    • 24 box crayons
    • 2 gluesticks
    • child-sized scissors
    • 1 pack Post-its
    •  (optional) personal-sized stapler, refills
    • (optional) pens, gel pens, colored pencils
    • * The pencil sharpener in my room does not require the students to touch anything other than their pencil, so
    • individual sharpeners are not needed. 


    Free Sites for reading Online Books






    books inspirational  



    Here you will find all the classroom news, homework, test dates, and important links.

