Mrs. Peoples Web Page
Riverside School District
Grades K-6: Social Emotional Learning (S.E.L.)
This year I will be a Specials Teacher at Riverside East and Riverside West. I will be teaching Social Emotional Learning at both Riverside East and Riverside West. Each student will have one thirty-minute class period in the six-day cycle. I am excited to work with all of the elementary students this year.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via email at
For PBIS click this link
Parent Conference Google Meet Link:
Parent teacher conferences will be held on Thursday.
I will be available on Thursday, January 30th from 12:30-1:30pm at Riverside West and 2-6pm at East. Please email me to schedule a time.
Google Classroom Codes:
Kindergarten: gt34bqv
First Grade: atbqn4m
Second Grade: lvxm64m
Third Grade: hyjwlxu
Fourth Grade: hnwzmjg
Fifth Grade: wlpour4
Sixth Grade: iir4tsu