My Home Page
Welcome to Mrs. Singleman's 1st gradeTeacher Page. It is here that you will find homework assignments, contact information, and news about our classroom. I look forward to a great 2024-2025 school year!!
~To log into the Google Classroom:
Login using Riverside login (first 3 letters of last name, first 3 letters of first name, graduation year (31)
For example Jane Doe would be doejan31@riversidesd.comPassword is Rsd(lunch number/student ID number) no space
So Jane's password would be Rsd123456Google Meet link:
PBIS REWARDS-You will need to download the app.
My contact information is listed below.
Mrs. Singleman
First Grade Teacher
Riverside Elementary West
308 Davis Street, Taylor, PA 18517
(570) 562-2121 ext.2222 (leave message)