Parent Information
Dear Family,
Welcome to Second Grade! I hope this year will be full of learning, excitement, and success for your child. Please read this letter carefully because it contains many important details which will help to make our year run smoothly.
If you should have any questions during the year I can be contacted by email or calling the school at 562-2121. I will respond as quickly as possible.
School policy requires a written and dated excuse explaining why your child was absent. Please send excuses to me on the day your child returns to school.
Personal items such as book bags, lunch boxes, jackets, etc. should have your child’s name printed on each.
Each child was given a folder labeled with a “keep home” and “return to school” side. This folder will contain any important notices and work that was completed in school and can be kept home. Please check your child’s folder each evening.
Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school.
Thank you for your cooperation. We are looking forward to having a successful year in Second Grade.
Ms. Telesz