Our Class Homepage

  • Welcome to Kindergarten at West with Mrs. Harchar!!

    Bitmoji Image 


    I can be reached by email at: aharchar@riversidesd.com


    For PBIS click this link https://www.pbisrewards.com/login/


    For my Google Meet Link click https://classroom.google.com/c/NjEzNTA2OTcyNzI5


    For student and parent access to my Google Classroom please click the link below:




     Student logins are as follows:

    1. first 3 letters of last name

    2. first 3 letters of first name

    3. the number 34 for grraduation year @riversidesd.com

    Example: my name is Alison Harchar. My login would be:



     For passwords:

    1. Rsd

    2. student pin number (6 digits)

    example: Rsd302147

     (please text or e-mail me if you have any questions.)