My Homework
Why Homework?
Homework is a very worthwhile part of your child's day and it is very
important to his or her success in school. We use it as a way to
review and practice important skills learned in the classroom.Homework encourages responsibility and should not be viewed as a
punishment but as a way to help your child succeed in school. One
way to teach responsibility is by expecting your child to complete
homework.Homework is normally assigned daily. Occasionally homework is assigned on Fridays. It should take students no
more than 15 to 20 minutes to complete each night.Parents, you are the key to making
homework a positive experience for your
child.Here are some suggestions in helping your child do homework
*Have a specific time each day to complete homework. *Make sure it is in a quiet, comfortable, well-lit place. *Make sure there are no distractions (music playing, TV blaring.
* Help your child, but do not do their homework for them.Children should practice reading every night. I encourage children to bring home their anthology books home nightly to review the day's story or practice reading older stories. Please don't let your child read ahead.
Also in the front of your child agenda are paper phonics books which contain words of the week and vowel and consonant sounds that we are learning and practicing in school. The more your child reads the more confident he/she will become.
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