Mrs. Loney's Class
Welcome to Mrs. Loney's
Kindergarten Page!
Class of 2024-2025
Aaliyah Adam A'dor Arya
Bentley Braxton Colton
David Destiny Gabriella Isabella
Jaxson Kayla Kimberlyn Lincoln
Luca Madiel Peyton Regina Sofia watch a 6 minute tutorial on how to navigate Google Classroom
Click here: The Parents' Guide to Google Classroom
This is also a very good tutorial on how to manage your child's Google Classroom
Click here: How to Manage Your Child's Google Classroom
To Login to Google Classroom for Kindergarten
Click here: Google Classroom
Class Code: yopca3e
Student logins are as follows:
For user name:
1) First 3 letters of last name
2) First 3 letters of first name
3) The number 37 for their graduation year
For password:
1) Rsd
2) Student Focus ID
Example: Rsd12106
*Once you are in, you will need to click on the tab "Classwork" to see assignments.
*Please e-mail me at
if you need help or have any questions!