• Parent Teacher Conference Information


    1st Quarter Conferences Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/dkp-dvbm-vjx

    • Please click on the link to join the Google Meet.

    • You will have to wait to be admitted to the meet.

    • I may have back-to-back meetings, so please be patient.

    • I will admit you to the meeting when it is time for your conference.

    • If, for some reason, there is a connection issue, please try to log back in.                             

    Thank you for your help and understanding today.  I look forward to meeting with everyone.

    ***If you DO NOT have a scheduled conference time and you enter the meeting, you will have to wait until I have an open time slot.



    Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 25th from 5:30-7:30 pm and Tuesday, November 26th from 12:40-3:40 pm. Conferences will be virtual using Google Meet, in-person, or by phone. Each conference will be 10 minutes. I will be using Sign-up Genius to schedule your conference times. Please sign up for your time slot by using the Sign-up Genius link below. This link is also posted on my Google Classroom and will be sent to you in PBIS. 
    If you choose a virtual conference, the link for the Google Meet will be posted on my Google Classroom Stream and on my teacher website on the day of conferences. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s progress.

    Click here to sign up for Conferences



    The meeting link will also be posted in my Google Classroom on the day of Conferences (in the stream). 

    You will need to sign in using your child's school ID.

    1st Quarter Conferences Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/dkp-dvbm-vjx

    • Please click on the link to join the Google Meet.

    • You will have to wait to be admitted to the meet.

    • I may have back-to-back meetings, so please be patient.

    • I will admit you to the meeting when it is time for your conference.

    • If, for some reason, there is a connection issue, please try to log back in.                             

    Thank you for your help and understanding today.  I look forward to meeting with everyone.

    ***If you DO NOT have a scheduled conference time and you enter the meeting, you will have to wait until I have an open time slot.


    sign me up