1. Open a Chrome web browser
    2. Go to www.classroom.google.com
    3. On the upper right hand side, click Sign-in
    4. Enter the following student username information as it pertains to you (the student). Follow this pattern:

                   First three letters of last name

                   First three letters of first name

                   Year of graduation (two digits)


                   Example for Suzanne Derenick: dersuz97@riversidesd.com

    1. Enter password. It follows this pattern:

                   Rsd followed by student’s ID number (or lunch pin)

                   Example: Rsd123456

    1. Once logged in, click on the grid of 3x3 dots in the upper right corner and this will open the Google apps.
    2. You can click on classrooms. You will see the Occupational Therapy classrooms there and once inside you can click on classwork to see the weekly post.


    In addition to the above directions, Google Classrooms is available as an app in the App Store and Google Play. After download, you can sign in with the above information.