How to access the Google Classroom:
Students should sign in to Google.com using their Riverside username and password. Use the link above or click on the 9 square icon in the upper right corner of the Google webpage to find Google Classroom. Sign in using your username and password (directions below). If you have already been invited to the class, click join. If not, click the plus in the upper right corner to join our class. Enter our class code from below. (NOTE: You will not be allowed to join without a Riverside username. Do not try to sign in with a personal e-mail account.)
Username: First 3 letters of their last name, followed by the first 3 letters of their first name, followed by their 2-digit graduation year + @riversidesd.com
(For example, John Smith's username would be smijoh27@riversidesd.com)
Password: Rsd followed by your 6 digit Student ID#Google Classroom Code:
Or Click this link: Click Here