My Resources

  • Language Arts



    Unit 1 Weeks 1 & 2

     Gary the Dreamer

    Sharing Cultures 

    **Reread these selections at home to practice fluency.**


    Target Skills:

    Key Concept: Communities

    Genre Focus: Narrative Nonfiction

    Essential Question: How do people from different cultures contribute to a community?

    Comprehension Skill: Sequencing

    Writers tell stories in sequence, or in the order that events happened, from beginning to end.

    Comprehension Strategy: Asking Questions

    Good readers ask quesitons as they read, then they read the text again to make sure they understand.


    Vocabulary Skill: Compound Words

    Target Vocabulary Words:

    admires   classmate    community     contribute

    practicing     pronounced    scared    tumbled





    Unit 1 Weeks 3 & 4: 

    Yoon and the Jade Bracelet

    Family Traditions 

    **Reread these selections at home to practice fluency.**


    Target Skills:

    Key Concept: Traditions

    Genre Focus: Realistic Fiction

    Essential Question: What can traditions teach you about cultures?

    Comprehension Skill: Sequencing

    The sequence of a story tells what happens at the beginning, middle, and end.

    Comprehension Strategy: Visualizing

    Good readers make pictures in their minds as they read. Creating a mental image will help you better understand the characters and their actions.


    Vocabulary Skill: Context Clues

    Target Vocabulary Words:

    celebrate    courage   disappointment   precious

    pride    remind    symbols   tradition




    Unit 1 Week 5:

    Protecting Our Parks

    5 Questions for George McDonald


    **Reread these selections at home to practice fluency.**


    Target Skills:


    Key Concept: Landmarks

    Genre Focus: Argumentative

    Essential Question: How do landmarks help us understand our country's story?

    Comprehension Skill: Main Ideas and Details

    The main idea is the most important point that an author makes about a topic. The details are important pieces of information that support that idea.

    Comprehension Strategy: Asking Questions

    Good readers ask questions as they read, then they read the text again to make sure they understand.


    Vocabulary Skill: Multiple Meaning Words


    Target Vocabulary Words:

    landmark    carved    clues   grand

    massive    monument    national    traces





    Unit 2 Weeks 1 & 2:


    A Plan for the People


    **Reread these selections at home to practice fluency.**


    Target Skills:


    Key Concept: Government

    Genre Focus: Expository Text

    Comprehension Skill: Author's Point of View

    To find the author's point of view, you can look for details in the text that show what the author thinks.

    Comprehension Strategy: Rereading

    Good readers reread something they don't fully understand.

    Vocabulary Skill: Prefixes


    Target Vocabulary Words:

    announced    candiates    convince   decisions

    elect    estimate    government   independent





    Unit 2 Weeks 3 & 4

    The Castle on Hester Street

    Next Stop, America!


    **Reread these selections at home to practice fluency.**


    Target Skills:

    Key Concept: Immigration

    Genre Focus: Historical Fiction

    Essential Question: Why do people immigrate to new places?

    Comprehension Skill: Identifying Theme

    The theme of a story is the author's message. The theme is different than the topic.

    Comprehension Strategy: Making Predictions

    You can use story structure and clues to predict what will happen next.


    Vocabulary Skill: Similes

    Target Vocabulary Words:

    arrived   immigrated   inspected   moment

    opportunity   photographs   valuable   whispered




    Unit 2 Week 5

    The Inventor Thinks up Helicopter

    Montgolfier's Brothers' Hot Air Balloon


    **Reread these selections at home to practice fluency.**


    Target Skills:


    Key Concept: Figure it Out

    Genre Focus: Poetry

    Essential Quesiton: How do people figure things out?

    Comprehension Skill: Identifying Point of View

    A reader must pay attention to details to find the narrator's thoughts, then ask, "How does my point of view compare to the narrator's?

    Literary Elements: Alliteration and Rhyme

    An example of alliteration is: Pelicans pecked peppers.

    An example of rhyme is the following words: tree, mystery, and be


    Vocabulary Skill: Similes


    Target Vocabulary Words:

    bounce    imagine    inventor   observer

    alliteration   free verse    limerick    rhyme 




    Unit 3 Weeks 1 & 2:


    Why the Sun Is Red

     **Reread these selections at home to practice fluency.**


    Target Skills:

    Key Concept: Discoveries

    Genre Focus: Expository Text

    Essential Question: What do we know about Earth and it's neighbors?

    Comprehension Skill: Main Idea and Details

    The main idea is the most important point that an author makes about a topic. The details are important pieces of information that support that idea.

    Comprehension Strategy: Summarizing 

    When you summarize, you state the most important ideas and details in a text.

    Vocabulary Skill: Suffixes

    Target Vocabulary Words:

    amount    astronomy    globe   solar system

    support    surface   temperature    warmth




    Unit 3 Weeks 3 & 4:

    Martina the Beautiful Cockroach

    Get a Backbone!

     **Reread these selections at home to practice fluency.**


    Target Skills:

    Key Concept: Be Unique

    Genre Focus: Folktale

    Essential Question: What makes different animals unique?

    Comprehension Skill: Problem and Solution

    In a story, the plot often has a problem, which is the conflict, and a solution, which is how the problem is solved.

    Comprehension Strategy: Visualizing

    Good readers make pictures in their minds as they read. Creating a mental image will help you better understand the characters and their actions.


    Vocabulary Skill: Context Clues

    Target Vocabulary Words:

    disbelief    dismay    fabulous    features

    offered    splendid    unique   watchful



    Unit 3 Week 5:

    Birth of an Anthem

    Discovering Life Long Ago


    **Reread these selections at home to practice fluency.**


    Target Skills:


    Key Concept: Value the Past

    Genre Focus: Expository

    Essential Question: How is each event in history unique?

    Comprehension Skill: Sequencing

    The sequence of a story tells what happens at the beginning, middle, and end.

    Comprehension Strategy: Summarizing

    When you summarize, you state the most important ideas and details in a text.


    Vocabulary Skill: Suffixes

    Target Vocabulary Words:

    agreeable   appreciate   boomed   descendents 

    population    resources   transportation   vehicles