• Parent-Teacher Conferences will be conducted via a Google Meet or in person on November 25th from 2-7pm. You will need to log in to the Google Meet on my Google Classroom using your child's account if your conference is virtual. (Please let me know if you would like to meet in person when you sign up.) The meeting link will also be posted in your child's stream on my Google Classroom. 

    The link for all conferences will be:

    Google Meet for Conferences

    Prior to each conference I will share a "Sign-Up Genius" link.  Keep in mind, conferences are limited to 10 minutes in order to accommodate everyone who needs to meet.  (Please sign up for one time slot.)  Thanks in advance.

    Sign-Up Genius Link: 

    Please reach out via Remind or email to see if I have any cancelations or available time slots. I will try to accommodate everyone the best I can. Thank you!

    **Thank you to everyone who signed up for a conference today.  Please be sure to utilize my Google Classroom for all virtual conferences (the link is above).  If you select to meet in person, there will be a chair outside my classroom (Room 112) for your convenience. I will let you in as soon as I can. Please note, all conferences are 10 min. long in order to fit everyone in.  Please come prepared with any questions you may have. Thanks again for all you do, and I look forward to meeting with you!

    **If there is an issue on the day of the conference with the Google Meet, please contact me via the Remind App or email and I will do my best to assist you.  A phone conference is always an option.**