My Calendar
Jan 24th: End of the 2nd Quarter
Jan 29th: Report Cards go home.
Jan 30th: 11:00 Dismissal/ Parent Conferences 2-7PM
Jan 31st: 11:00 Dismissal
Feb 10th: Act 80 Day
Feb 14th: Valentine's Day. Students may bring in Valentines for peers. A list will go home.
- If we have snow days, dates may change on the school calendar.
Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted.
Just a reminder to let students know that if they have a problem with their Chromebook, they can stop by the high school to do so.
Hours are 8:00am – 3:15PM, Monday – Friday, at the JR-Sr High School.
They must bring the chromebook and charger to have the tech team fix it.
No appointment is needed.