My Home Page

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    ****Please check back in August for updates****

    Have a great summer!!! =)


    Welcome to Mrs. McManus' Teacher Page!  Please refer to Google Classroom for assignments related to your class.  If you have any questions, please email me at

    All students must join their google classrooms.  Classroom codes will be available in August.  

    Directions to join a classroom:

    Click + button in right hand corner

    Select join class

    **Stay tuned for more information about parent conferences and classroom codes**

    I am looking forward to an exciting school year!!




    Mrs. McManus-Family and Consumer Science--8th through 12th grades
    Room 308 (2nd and 4th quarters), Room 309 (1st and 3rd quarters)
    Junior Senior High School Building
    570-562-2121 ext 1168
    Address:  310 Davis Street, Taylor, PA  18517