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    Hello everyone!

    I am excited to be able to communicate with you daily.  This page is the "launching pad" to Google Classroom where you will find all of your units/activities listed.  All of my classes are found on Google Classroom.   I will "invite"  you to our class, and you will find an "invite link" in your school email.  Also, in early August, I will have class "join links" listed below for your parents to utilize as well.  You will find all of your updated grades in the student information system, FOCUS. 

    For students and parents, I use the classroom "Remind" app.  This is for notifications and updates.  You may join my Remind at If you or your parents would like to contact me, please feel free to do so at

    Parent teacher conferences will be in-person, but can be arranged utilizing Google Meet if you cannot make the regularly scheduled in-person conference.  You can email me at and I will be happy to generate a meet link if you would like a virtual parent-teacher conference.

    I am available to help you every day!   You are important to me and I want to make sure you have all the help you need. 

    Mrs. Howey, M.S.





    Joining your "classroom" on Google Classroom:   The instructions are listed below, there is a graphic to follow as well, and here is a YouTube link on how to join your "class."  


      1.  Students will be given a class code on the first day of school.

     2.  Log into Google Classroom (your login is your Riverside login/password)

    3.  Click join a class

    4.  Enter the correct code for your class  

    5.  Save


    5 Steps
































    My name is Kristy Howey and I am a 7th through 9th grade learning support teacher here at Riverside Jr. Sr. High School.   I am so excited to have the opportunity to work with each and every student. 

    I would like to encourage all parents to monitor homework, participation and grades by accessing  This is a vital resource. 

    In addition, I would like to stress the importance of staying 10th period.   This is a key to keeping organized, completing assignments and getting additional help. 

    If you have any questions or would like to contact me, please feel free to reach me at   I will do my very best to answer any of your questions.   


    Mrs. Kristy L. Howey, MS
    Riverside School District
    310 Davis Street
    Taylor, PA 18518




    Read for excitement, adventure, drama,
    interest and to learn great new things!


    Always remember -- you can do it!
    Believe in yourself, because we believe in you!