Driver's Education
Use the links on the left and the following website(s) along with in class instruction to gather information on how to become a safe driver.
Welcome, a message from Penndot
Saving lives on our highways is just as vital to PennDOT as maintaining and improving our roads and bridges and enhancing all transportation modes. In 2009, 1,256 people lost their lives in traffic crashes in Pennsylvania, the lowest number recorded since 1928. Although I´m pleased with the progress we´re making in saving lives, we must look beyond the numbers to see that they represent lives cut short and potential never realized.That is why I´m inviting all motorists to make a difference and help us save lives by simply remembering to “Drive Safe.” Safe driving needs to become a way of life and encompass more than just buckling your seat belt and following the speed limit.
Safe driving includes strapping our children into their safety seats, setting positive examples for young drivers, and sharing the road with bicycles, pedestrians and motorcycles.
We continue to strive in maintaining our goal of saving at least 100 lives on Pennsylvania´s roads a year. I encourage you to demonstrate safe driving behaviors and help us save more lives in 2013. Keep safety in mind each time you get behind the wheel. The life you save could be your own.
Drive Safe PA!Click license plate for more information on Pa. Driving Information
Through Just Drive PA, aims to make sure that all motorists in Pennsylvania are safe drivers.
With more than 1,200 people losing their lives in traffic crashes in Pennsylvania each year, Just Drive PA encourages motorists to avoid life-threatening behaviors such as not wearing a seat belt, driving impaired and driving aggressively.
Each of you can make a difference for highway safety by simply remembering to "Just Drive PA."